Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Health Adventure: Ear Infections

Before I even get started I want it to be known that I am not anti-medicine/anti-science. I believe that God has given men wisdom to discover ways to heal and save the human body. But as the Source of this wisdom and the Creator of these bodies I believe He knows best how they can be healed, and in being Creator I believe He created our bodies to heal themselves in many aspects. I am thankful for the science of medicine beyond words. It is because of medical advancements that I am alive today and that Natalie, my oldest daughter, is only a few months away from turning seven. It is also because of the science of medicine that I can experience the joy that comes from my two younger children, Caleb and Eliana. I do feel, though, that we have become too dependent on medicine and we forget that our bodies were created with the ability to heal. Not only did God create our bodies with the ability to heal but He surrounded us with natural resources for healing.

I have begun a journey in discovering truth about natural healing and I want to share what I am learning. My sharing comes with no judgement for the path that anyone chooses. I only share because it has positively impacted our lives so greatly. For me, it took hearing the some things several times before they sunk in and began to cause a change in my thinking. So, if this is the first time you are hearing this or maybe it's not new to you but you find comfort in hearing it from another source, I hope you find the following information as intriguing as I have.

Also, I am not a physician or trained medically in any manner. If you are having any type of health issue please seek proper care.

Ear Infections

Ear infections are one of the most common childhood illnesses. As a child I fought ear infections well into my high school years. Even after having tubes put in my ears at an early age I continued to suffer from sever ear infections. As a baby and toddler Natalie suffered from ear infections as well. At two she underwent surgery to have tubes put in her ears as well.

My information is limited and each individual case is different, but I am of the opinion that most cases of chronic ear infections can be resolved with the use of natural and homeopathic remedies and chiropractics. (Again, please seek the advice of a medical professional, especially a chiropractor, if you feel necessary)

Here is some information that I have learned concerning ear infections.

Most ear infections are viral, and while doctors are taught to "watch and wait", they prescribe antibiotics, without testing or waiting, because it is expected by the parents. Giving the child antibiotics then weakens their immune systems, making them more susceptible to bacterial ear infections, and then the vicious cycle of chronic ear infections begins. Another factor to the susceptibility to ear infections is diet.

Here are some homeopathic remedies for ear infections:

* "Hyland's Ear Ache Tablets": encourages healing and decreases symptoms
* "Herb's for Kids Willow and Garlic Oil": natural antibiotic/antiviral and soothes pain
* "Sovereign Silver Colloidal Silver": natural antibiotic/antiviral/antifungal (can be administered by mouth and put directly in ear)

Below is a link to several case studies that show a link between chiropractic care and the resolution of chronic ear infections

Research Tools on Natural Healthcare (provided by my doctor):

www.mercola.com - Run by Dr. Joseph Mercola, M.D., a foremost leading authority on natural healthcare
www.icpa4kids.com - Website for International Chiropractic Pediatric Association. Has many research articles spanning not only chiropractic journals, but medical journals as well.
www.909shot.com - Website for National Vaccine Information Center. Gives parents the latest research concerning vaccine safety and efficacy.
www.naturalnews.com - Run by Mike Adams, "The Health Ranger". Journalist on the quest for the truth in all things healthy. Challenges the latest news, researches and provides consumer information on natural health products.

Another good source for information on wellness is http://pathwaystofamilywellness.org . It is a quarterly magazine that also has article available online. If anyone else knows of good sources for information on natural healing I would LOVE to know about them.

I hope that you find this information helpful. I am happy to answer or find the answer to any questions you may have.

On my adventure of discovery,



At July 21, 2010 at 5:40 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heather, thanks for sharing! I love how you prefaced your info! Your thoughts on hearing some things over and over gave me encouragement and hope for my own family to one day hear, too. I just wanted to share, too, that a few years ago, while battling fibromyalgia and looking for alternatives to OTC meds, I was introduced to essential oils and have been using them for 5 years now. I have still only scratched the surface but have seen their benefits personally. Your info about ear infections, and how common they are in childhood, reminded me of our experience with pink eye shortly after purchasing my first order of oils. We were able to avoid going to the dr altogether. God has provided so much around us to help us heal and I am so thankful! Blessings to you and your family as you discover more about His provision.

At July 21, 2010 at 7:35 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

well said sister. and i agree with raquel, reminding the public who are so inundated with the 'need' for medicine, that God provides the answers to our needs. thank you for sharing. blessings to you and your family.

At July 21, 2010 at 10:00 AM , Blogger Duhon's said...

Raquel- My Mother In Law was recently introduced to the world of essential oils for healing and is educating us as she learns. I would love to hear anything that you have learned. I know Colloidal Silver is great for pink eye - it can be put directly into the eye.

There is so much out there to learn!

Thanks for your feedback!

At July 22, 2010 at 1:15 PM , Blogger Lindsey said...

I mentioned this yesterday, but forgot to expound. Fresh garlic is one of the most powerful, natural antibiotics in the world. More than garlic oil or garlic pills, fresh garlic can be used to get over anything from the common cold to strep throat (I know this personally) to stomach viruses. Unlike antibiotics that can only be used to treat bacterial infections, fresh garlic can be used for viruses and bacterial infections. The way we take fresh garlic is this: I finely mince 2-3 cloves of garlic and mix with with the juice of one fresh lemon and then shoot it. It's pretty strong tasting and smelling, so I chase it down with a small glass of apple or orange juice. If I even feel like I might be getting sick or if I notice the kids acting funny, we start garlic and lemon the same way we would take prescribed antibiotics: 2-3 times daily for one week. Works every time! We also get extra adjustments when we're feeling under the weather. Those coupled with garlic and lemon help us to get over in just a day or two what it would take the "average" person a week or more to recuperate from.


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