Monday, July 12, 2010

New Adventures

SO much is changing in the Duhon house right now. We are joyfully entering into some new adventures and praying about others. One of the new adventures we are heading into is HOMESCHOOLING! The other adventure we are now journeying through is our health. I am SO very excited about both of these adventures.


I am SO excited about homeschooling. Last year, when Natalie was ready to enter Kindergarten, we considered homeschooling but it just did not feel like the right timing. Not only did the timing not feel right but Natalie also REALLY wanted to go to school. She had imagined being in the classroom and with the class being asked a question she could raise her hand with the answer. We felt like it was important to give her that experience. Her experience was good, even with having to switch schools mid-year due to our family moving to a different part of Dallas. Now, though, we know homeschooling is what our family is called to do. My great friend, Lindsey, has introduced me to the Charlotte Mason method of homeschooling ( and I am SO very excited about it, it is the perfect fit for our family. Charlotte Mason was an educational revolutionary in the late 1800's in England who had a genuine passion for educating children of every social class with a wide curriculum and living, hands on education. I know I will expound more on this as I continue to learn more and prepare for the coming school year!


Wow! I don't even know where to begin...oh wait, yes I do. In January of this year, after being in pain for over two years, I finally decided to go to the chiropractor. I had been to one before and understood some of the health benefits of chiropractics, but ultimately it came down to finances. Well, pain got the best of me and I no longer cared what it cost I was MISERABLE. I called up my same friend, Lindsey, and got a recommendation for the chiropractor she saw while living here in Dallas. She referred me to Dr. Jennifer Taylor ( We LOVE Dr. Jenn. When I went to see her I got so much more than someone that just cracks my back. I found someone that cared about me and my entire body. When I started seeing her not only was I in pain but I was struggling with depression, my hair was falling out, I was moody and had not been able to lose any weight since having Caleb 18 months prior. She helped to discover that my body was not functioning in several different areas, including my adrenal glands and thyroid. We began with strictly chiropractics and I noticed an immediate difference. Within two weeks I had the whole family in for evaluations and were are all receiving chiropractic care. What is so great about Dr. Jenn is that she is not only passionate about chiropractics but also nutrition. We have learned so much from her and we are striving every day to live healthier lives. Six months later I am down 30+ pounds (with exercise and healthy eating as well), Natalie no longer receives regular allergy shots, Matt no longer walks around with candy and sugar products at hand, my kids are healthier and more emotionally balanced, and we are healthier and happier all around.

Some of the things we are learning (and I will expound upon w/ my limited knowledge):

1. The truth about childhood ear infections (and other diseases) and how they can be treated without prescription antibiotics and surgery.
*I wish I would have know this before putting Natalie through surgery to have tubes put in her ears.

2. Alternatives to some "traditional" OTC medications for adults and children

3. Raw milk vs. Commercial (store bought) milk and why the latter is not good for you

4. The dangers of sugar

5. The dangers of artificial sweeteners

My only intention is to share what I have learned. It is hard not to share this information once you know it, but it is up to you to do what you want with it.

So, those are the two biggest things happening in our family.

Hope this finds you well!


At July 13, 2010 at 7:13 AM , Blogger Lindsey said...

Heather, I am reading this with a very fond reflection of what we went through about two years ago. It's like you're repeating our life! I am so proud of everything you're doing, and I know that God is blessing you for it. I am shocked that Matt no longer walks around with candy! That was probably the biggest surprise when I was reading. I am also proud of you and your weight loss, and I can't wait to see you again. Love you!

At July 13, 2010 at 5:53 PM , Blogger Michelle said...

LOVE all that your family is going through!!! I am looking forward to hearing more about your homeschooling experience because it is still something I definitely am considering but Azlyn is already talking about Kindergarten with great anticipation and it's still a year away! She's reading books like crazy and her math is ridiculous and I am already concerned she won't be challenged her first year! I'm going to look into that method you wrote about.

As for health, I am SOOOO excited that you are connected with that chiropractor and have learned so much. Does she treat kids for free? Ours does and I was just wondering if that's how she was, sure does make having the whole family go a bit more affordable:) I knew if Natalie ever did something like that it would help her allergies, praise God! That's amazing!!!

Where are you getting your raw milk? I just emailed a farm in Garland and it's like $6 a gallon so I'd be interested to know where you get yours.

At July 14, 2010 at 8:08 PM , Blogger Duhon's said...

Thanks ladies! I am excited about the changes.

Michelle - we are on a one year plan where we have committed to a treatment plan. When she breaks down the cost and applies discounts we are basically paying for Matthew and myself and the kids are treated free. With the plan we are not limited to the number of adjustments that we are paying for, we can go in for additional adjustments if necessary. I've already had to have some extended treatment and if the kids are sick or Caleb has a good fall I can just bring them in.

I got our first round of milk from Lucky Layla's Farm in Plano. They are at Parker and Jupiter. Our chiropractor is in Plano so it wasn't too far from her office.

I want to come meet Ms. Adelaide and catch up on life. I will get in touch with you to set that up.

Love to both of you!

At July 14, 2010 at 8:09 PM , Blogger Duhon's said...

Oh, the milk was $8/gal. We don't use a lot and I also have almond milk in the house too so it it stretches pretty far for us.

At July 16, 2010 at 2:20 PM , Blogger Michelle said...

That's great that you are on a plan and can go as needed! Once Troy finally starts his job next month I want our family to venture back to the chiropractor. I'm always so selective as to when we go b/c of cost but I need to just bite and keep it up. I know it'd benefit us all.

I have heard of Lucky Layla, and that's not far at all especially from my parents. Yea, raw milk you definitely drink less of so the cost equals out. Do you like the taste?

We'd love to get together, only weekend that doesn't work for us currently is the 24th of July and weeknights work well to!


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